Patients' Association of Canada | Patient led. Patient governed.

The Patients' Association of Canada (PAC) has been established to fill an important gap in the health field. Until now, there have not been any national, patient-led and patient-governed organizations that speak to the experience that people have as patients.

In many public discussions about health care, the patient perspective is presented by disease-based organizations, health care professionals, researchers, or policy makers, who often have their own points of view that should not be confused with those of patients. This organization is part of a larger trend to engage citizens with their communities and to enable them to speak for themselves.

Patient stories

Important to our association is the collection of patient narratives, documenting patient experiences. It is through the collection and articulation of these narratives that we hope to gain a more thorough understanding of what the patient perspective is on current health care systems and services, and the criteria that describe patient sensitive care.


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